Sirocco Park
Description of chosen place
The site is known as ‘Sirocco Quays’ but is best known as the former Sirocco Ropeworks. It is a derelict site, which cuts off East Belfast from the City Centre. The site has sat derelict for so long, nature (as it does) has taken over. It has begun to resemble a park; a place of nature and wildness.What do you imagine the space could be?
Various property owners have bought and sold the land, but their grand schemes always come to nothing, and so the fenced off 16 acre site continues its isolation from the city. When living in London many years ago, I was taken by the sign on the entrance to Victoria Park in the East of the city. There was an epidemic of poor health in the area and in their (actual) wisdom, they created a large city park, for the long term benefit of the people. Rather than increasing hospital size, or training more doctors, they built a park. It is a measure of foresight that's sadly lacking in current thinking. The city might not necessarily need another super-development… East Belfast could do with a park though.Submitted by
Joe LavertyDate
February 19, 2023